maandag 30 mei 2011

Ancestral telepathy

3.B. Ancestral telepathy

Yesterday, I was in a village where they held a strawberry market in Newred, under the octagonal tower. The smell of strawberries let my memories to the time when I spent my youth , every stock place stood full with rows and rows of strawberries and other fruit, ready to be charged on two lorries and transported to Malines or Germany. Sometimes now days, more than 40 years later, I think back of that time and it seems that things which are happening now, and things one could not have known in those days have a strange connection because some things seemed to predict others all the time, without really knowing what is going to happen. It's a kind of feeling that you realize after things have occurred. On other occasions one realizes that one could have known before that it would happen someday.

There used to be a working man who came for some works from time to time to our place. He sometimes, like other workers said to me "I hope you will not follow in the footsteps of your father, who works to hard". Like some older workers who had spent their life in the mine, I thought the is good for a growing boy to learn how to work hard, but there is a difference between working and child labor. It wasn't meant to be that I at this moment, am not a fruit cultivator or fruit trader. The first should have been more something for me, the second, trading, no way, I haven't got the soul for it. And in fact, that is what my father wanted me to be, and I would not let him down, so I started studying economy instead of taking the direction 'human sciences'. No wonder that I had do a year two times, but I did not wanted it to be two times the same 'economy' and I switched to human sciences i stead. It has taken me some time to overcome the fact that I had to do the same year twice. In fact I wanted to quit school as soon as possible. On the other hand my father proposed to me to go a year to the United States as part as a switching program for students. If I should have said yes, would my life have been so different from my life now ? My intuition said that I was not prepared to lose a year by goiing to the States and then having to start my year over in Belgium. In his youth my father wanted to go to the Congo to cultivate fruits after the war, but something kept him here. Later on in my life sometimes people who had some link with Congo, crossed my if 'thoughts' that people carry with them and projects that one cannot do themselves, pass on to other people who in fact in reality make the link that others did not make. My niece for example, married to a man from Congo and they are now still together with a lot of grandchildren and another niece of mine as well had a Congolese link. Both my father and his brother in law, the father of the nieces have the same first name. So why was I not born in Congo and why I was not born in the USA like in the ' Bruce Sringsteen'-song ? Looking at the political situation in Congo wright now, it isn't an environment where I would like have been grown up and not at all in those old colonial days back then. The country has seen a lot of his rural people who went to live in cities and in some areas foreign colonial policies go hand in hand with the new Congolese elite, hand in hand with private armies battling for the resources and commiting criminal acts. Coming from a village in Belgium which had lost one out of six people in the war, with a mother who was hit by a piece of a wondering bomb, I have always hated war; but who would have taught that other wars of another kind, lay ahead of me ? I was young and wanted a girl and a family, children which I indeed could talk more with about life, than I and my father did. That was practically all the time about what was to be done in the company. On the field or in the trade business. I was about to discover how society functioned and at the same time, but more and more intense, I began to understand people better and better. I did not understand why my father did not spoke so much, but as I get older I know that there is a reason for everything which one wonders about in life.

I stayed in middle Europe and after working for the company of my father and his brother, I decided to look for a job. I was lucky to find one. As a child I saw people of the telephone company climbing wooden structures with irons on their feet and I knew this would be something for maybe. Study hard my mother said while watching me...if you study hard you can give instructions. I passed an exam with 9OOO people and they needed only 900. It was an essay about free time and I defended a kind of society which wasn't based on working like mad, day in day out and how people could benefit from this in their personal development. Looking back on this essay from 1978 and comparing it with now, I find that a lot of people have free time, because they are without a job due to many reasons, but do they know what o do with their time ? Because of fewer employment the State employed a lot of people and I was one of them and I really wanted to work, but I wanted to have a work with a real social function. I worked for a telecom company and we had to keep ourselves busy with the preparing work for some publicity for the company, but that was mainly to give some people an occupation , in the end they gave our projects to a private company. I learnt what unions and political parties were back then, not being aware that the policies of those institutions were more about making career then about formulating modern solutions for society. A lot in life was about having the wright connections and going along with how society is organized and what your environment wants you to do. If you refused to go in the army, well you had to obtain for civil services and one lost an entire year again once more. Once you start building a home, and have a responsibility for a wife and children, then it is not so obvious of changing work. And if the work you are doing isn't pleasing you, then you are being pushed by circumstances to change your life...otherwise one ends up like people drinking to much because they do not like their work...or because their wife loves somebody else. Why not make work a social right by creating a universal system where each person is payed the same for the same work, with one social security system ? One day, this will come if decadence is stopped in this field. In those days in the eighties, if one would have predicted that email would replace telex or wouldn't have believed you. Voting telematics for a social program against poverty and war, can only get possible if more and more people get conscious about things (and themselves).

As I got in my midlife, more and more, after having gone to the stage of understanding the material world of the workplace and everything around it, also the psychological factors (some people liked working a lot less as others), I started dedicating more time to other issues in life, psychology in human relations for example...due to the fact that I had a divorce because of my wife having somebody else...I tried to win her back for our tree children and myself, but it was no use...after a scene one wished would not have happened, one takes descions more easily, because one has an alibi.

At first when one is alone, one tries to look at it at the bright side...all those new woman who are waiting for one, some people think...but that is not the way it work with energy and attraction after one is in recovery of a breaking up and even when one has recovered. In my case I came in to contact with a number of people and situations that represent the entire scale of what one does not wish that would happen to one... I have always tried to put myself in other's their place, and because I was showing to much compassion and understanding and because I wanted to do things to help others...I not only sometimes lived in difficult positions...but I, as a reward I had a lot to write about (mainly in Dutch so far) and became wise. The writing, it were moments to explain those moments and periods where one had a lot of understanding about a lot of things, not being aware of other things that waited to be happening because there still was a lot more of explaining and understanding to do, theories to be written, and literature to be made in order of the fact to make oneself more aware of why we are living our lives.

But ones one has finished this stage in life, had all the different emotional stages under different circumstances, one gets older and one comes up with one’s own speculations as to how life really is in a relation with dead, under the influences off all the former human energy left behind by other generations. Read my essay-story "there was life after dead as well" therefore. (latest text below) and also on
The past was integrated in the present and functioning according own laws. So why continue about writing on the past, this day was the prolongation of my own karma, but not alone of mine, of many others, off all collective from the first cell of this big bang cycle and farther back. Where was it all going to in the lifelines off those closest to me ? The future was being prepared long before me and wright now, the lives who would come in to the family or else were, would be a response, a these, an anti these or synthesis or what else, to what had happened and was happening wright now...and sometimes we could understand that all these stories had a sense. In the case of the material world, evolving from tribes to modern society with no more war and poverty and quality of living and time to occupy us in a more refined cultural way. In my life, the story from hard working people that would give me more the chance to occupy myself with thinking and writing about all possible meanings of life.

The number of things one can write about are limited...even as you do the most simple things, by doing them, certainly a writers mind is occupied all the time with thoughts and second thoughts and flash backs and realistic to surrealist links between a lot. It all gets too much to capture and write about...but here and there one tries to capture a detail and make a lot of words follow...and when you have described them, you've made so many new links and different perceptions and possible interpretations that even for a genius it would not be possible to bring over to the reader. The reader hasn't lived that what you want to express. That's why in real life, there are so many personages and situations one can understand best by observing, by asking yourself what really is the meaning of this or that personage in ones live, in facts, humanly and in an energetic way. Ones you've understood how this works, you can chose what you really want to do with that life of yours in a more conscience way...or is telepathy stronger than your own free will and desires ? It's a fact that life does not always makes things happen because you like this or that...but in order of your specific role to play in this or that situation. As my father said the last month of his life” 'liking' nothing” (he meant responsibility is all, but he due to this disappointment of having the last nine years of his life to spend in a wheel chair due to brain bleeding. He recovered and adapted to his new life, could walk with some help in the end and so on. He was a very calm man inside, but sometimes he lost his temper, due to to much work...or being attributed not the woman with the same inner calm inside and seeing things more in function of making money or thinking too much in black and white. Was it a coincidence that later on I would have my first almost platonic experiences in love with girls related to the one my had not chosen for in the end...and the third with our family name, but no family ? Strange. Another girl my father had an eye on earlier was related to the one my sister would pick as her husband, after a period of doubting they married. Due to the same resus in blood group they had some difficulties of having a baby, in the end they had one, but the second only lived for an hour after eight months. It may be sound cruel, but am I to understand by all this that as in other cases I saw in my environment that too much doubt about a person means that in later life there will be some problems genetically ? In many lives of people I know, I notice that some characteristic problems are often gone in a next generation. I was lucky, I did not want to work very hard physically all my life, didn't want to get rich as well, so I got the better of my parents out of me, combined with that always present touch of wanting to spend my life looking for the meanings of it. I was lucky as well with having children that care more about what they really want ten I do; I, who worried to much about other people, in a way I still had to learn how to handle. Of course, next to the improvements in each generation, new characteristics that come from the former generations in their broadest spectrum, arise. There can be new, but not totally new elements, wanting to have a lot of money for instance...maybe if they marry you for your money you will have a first child that doesn't care so much about money and a second that does and a third who is more in between. Also the period where one has children is no coincidence and not programmed children are no errors but, they come on the stage of life at the right time and place to play their role. One can wonder whether there is a difference in having children on the moment where there still is a lot of passion in a relationship, or later born ones...but with passion I do not only mean physical passion. Being tender and understanding to each other, having less critic, can make a good relationship. It is not likely that one will be more happy when one divorces, it might work out, but if there is a spiritual bound between two people they must chose for each other, or go on in a platonic way, if they have the room and strength for it. Having a spiritual bound is not only having a past with a lot in common, for example meeting people with different kinds of energy of body and soul then their own, sometimes even of a different sexual preference...who send of one’s life in a circle around of the real life you would have had if one had taken other decisions. But decisions are not only your owns...they depend as well on the decisions others made...or maybe one represents all those decisions, just by being you and one must not feel strange in his or hers own body, because there were and are and will be so many reasons for being the one you are.

Each day, each another unit of progress in one’s life. If one understands, one get' s to know in life where one is, at this or that stage of his life. This week I understood that it will be difficult continuing on a platonic base with the one who was very close to me for the last sixteen years. The first sixteen years I was married. She and me, let's call her Doubt, had started off on a platonic bases. Exchanging books about how to live on a natural way, no pharmacy, alternative healing, listening to the soul as a curer...only in pain using some medicament of the pharmacy, eating healthy, not gaining to much weight. We talked and talked about the real meaning of religion and I read books on physics which she gave me and which she did not understand completely herself. After two years our body language wanted to speak as well, one day there was a first kiss and we made love in a chalet near a wood for the first time. She would not speak of it with her husband...but she did, like she had done the first time she slept with another man, because there was not enough time for a second baby yet, as her husband always found, as she explained. All her married life, she in fact was looking for a man with another kind of energy and a kind of artist or so, the second man was to have a baby I guess. If he was indeed the father, why blame her…maybe it was genetic wisdom at work by means of ancestral telepathy ?
Her hard working gentle man, a little to economically driven, got over it and they continued their live and had another child. There are two ways in making a judgment in this...whether you say this is morally wrong or you follow the explanation in this text...which partly suggests that instead of being morally wrong, it can very well be that following the genetic stories explanation and the influence of telepathy in the lives of people is very more exact. Why is the moral explanation a bit true as well ? Because making live to complex can turn in to very difficult triangles of love for example, one has to choose which person you want to life with, cause very few people I think can take the weight of having to share people in their love life. Maybe another kind of hierarchy in the scenario of life, is to be explained by the rule that the one who cause deeds, that those will return to him or her. Taking that into account one has a lot of interest in staying calm and controlling thoughts, words and deeds. We always are bussy with deciding what we will and shall tell and what not to this or that person and we want to give a picture of who we think others are, according to what others tell us...often we have some wrong points of view and things will happen between people in order to get clearer and clearer pictures. People don't want to exchange really deep emotional feelings, they are afraid of them (also because of the higher telepathic task that pushes them to stick to their lifelines and to avoid them from coming in to trouble ?) If people do not make their lives in to prisons, it's ok by doing so. Some people really need the experience of getting out of their prisons, others think they are in one, because they do not understand past and present and make false prepositions about the future. They have lost contact with their soul. They think the ones who are or the one who is, the most closed to them are deranging things and while those persons in fact hold the key to their development. It is a pity that such people normally get more jealous at that people then at others.

So in a certain stage of wisdom, after crossing al the stages in life, (if one has to),one finds out that everything is energy. It seems as if there are only seven kind of persons like colors, sounds and senses (inner organs and telepathy six and seven). Seven chakra's from one to seven...from step one, the very early instinct to a softer form, sensuality resulting in rationality and something in the middle between the earthly and the heavenly, being sound, air, light and innerlight of everything if you want to give eight a specific name as well. On your calculator, with eight everything is possible, it combines. Each of these stages, like an atom in his core, can have a proton or neutron position, in matter the neutron position is filled one can supose, in anti-matter as well ? (the last I'll have to do some research on).

Ah, those women on pharmacy to control their heads, forgotten about their soul. They complain about certain things and they forget that they keep certain desires like tenderness…etc under. They, when you are having a living apart together or another relation with them, try to push you away and that' s why on moments when you want to help them a little bit financially for example they are not pleased, and you wonder why, “because in a part of their heads they already have calculated your absence and often they don't know, no, never they do know (men as well) that it is the telepathy of the ancestors who try to take revenge to the part 'ancestor' in them...that is, if it isn't the telepathy of the living ones. In that case, what does, can one do, if one still loves such a woman ? What can one do against the dead ? Stay lonely the rest of your life ? What are the consequences of such a conduct for a women who has a spiritual bound and the possibility of renewing what one had ? That she becomes a bit or a lot less a life (even if she will have again another passion in two dimensions (psychologically, cultural, biologically for some weeks, but when will she miss the spiritual connection )? What if one dies, not pleased, not fulfilled with one’ s life? One can be a better transformer when one dumps the heavy part of the genetic heritage...if not, maybe it will influence the ones one leaves in a less good way, like when doubts to much about the roads one has to take in life ? Or cannot all be explained in terms of having to carry one’s own karma to the extreme consequence ? What if her son for example, who sticks also to someone in a triangle is given the wrong example, by not choosing for the man who waited years and years (not the son, hopefully he will separate earlier, if that is in his nature, reacting a bit macho can reward him, if he finds the courage. One can continue in finding reasons that go further than the normal psychoanalysis, but this will do for the moment. Often one does not have to look so far, you might find some friends around you in the following case : it might be that the ex says, ok you can continue to live in partly my house with my child or children, but not with a lover or he or you has to pay that much or so on and so on. It can also be that I'm wrong about this and that, maybe one tries to be a virtuous child again in sight of growing old...and maybe that is a necessary for the rest (and telepathy) in peace. Writing about this in a personal way, one could say it is a kind of personal despair explanation I want to give for my own experience, but that has never been the starting point of my writing.

I've noticed that people who have another partner, but not all the time, don't easily like to tell this to their children, not in the case of Doubt, who never came so far as telling her parents of my existence…not always positive for ancestral relations as well. Which hidden secrets that unite life and dead at the border is there in reaching almost a kind of meditation stage, after having head an orgasm and why only thirty percent of woman have an orgasm during coitus ? The inexperience of man or the impatience or ... ? Read a book about it and you will understand, but which other reasons can there be ? Isn't an orgasm not something like a dream and what is happening in the telepathic world at that stage ?

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